Friday, November 25, 2005

Thursday Recap

FO alert! One pressie down, and underneath, three-quarters of two sleeves for another pressie... What a productive Turkey-day!

Notice the fluffy pom-pons! Many thanks to those of you who offered helpful comments, and especially to Deb for scanning the instruction sheet for me.

I also managed to finish up this gift for a friend... It is a simple garter stitch scarf in Meunch's Touch Me. I love it, but it is already worming badly, has anyone out there ever felted the Touch Me? I am concerned about too much shrinkage. If you have tried it, let me know how it turned out!

In the recent acquisitions department, this cute book is currently hanging out on my knitting table:

Beyond the basic sock monkey! Now that you are knitting all of your socks, what will you do with all the old machine-made ones? This book is the perfect answer... I really like that it is more of a "design" book than a pattern book (though there are patterns you can follow). The author is all about encouraging creativity. Plus, the wacky creatures are too cute!


Meloncholy Baby! That's how the Keane boys make me feel, and sometimes that is just the way I want to feel. This album has breakups and letdowns and near-misses (oh my), all in a Coldplay/Travis-esque indie-shoegazer wrapper with plenty of hooks. Is it sappy? Yep! Am I too, sometimes? You betcha.

Don't take my word for it, read the Rolling Stone review.

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