Monday, June 07, 2004

Scarves: Detail (or, too tired for a whole post)

Here are the two scarves:

The one on the left is about 72 inches (sans fringe) and includes the dreamy Gedifra Byzanz (in color 04) as well as Lamb's Pride worsted, Lion Brand Jiffy, Homespun, and Reynolds Allagash. It is really warm and gooshy, with just the tiniest bits of gold flecks. Why is my bind off always so much tighter than my cast on, even though I concentrate on looseness? I am about to re-do it on this one.

The one on the right is about 60 inches and is made from two skeins of the Katia Twist in No. 11.

The last scarf is still on the needles. I looked online for the fibers used, but couldn't find anything on "Fantasy Yarns"— maybe a private label yarn? Anyway, I am using Java, a 100% Polymide stretchy shiny tape yarn, and Violet, a 50/50 Polymide/Wool railroad tape with two rows that alternate shiny and a fuzzy flags. Both are in a matching colorway that is eloquently titled "Shade 01." I like to think of it as "Coffee on a Cloudy Day" because it melts from a deep strong coffee brown through to a light latte and cream color then to a silvery grey and back to brown.

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