Tuesday, May 31, 2005

It's "Lame Title" Tuesday!

First Things First: THANK YOU ALL for the wonderful Birthday wishes and new definitions of Old. You all rock my little world.

I am bereft of creativity today, having slept in far too late on a workday.

You know that fluttery-jittery feeling when you wake up from fitful sleep too fast? It reminds me of college hangovers. Somehow back then I could drink ridiculous amounts of cheap beer and then pop awake 4 hours later for class—the coffee and cigarettes only accentuating the shaky hands and too-blinky eyes. (Now, I have a single glass of wine and waking me up is like bringing me out of a coma, but that's neither here nor there.)

Anyway, I am all shaky feeling and am hoping that it is not some harbinger of flu-to-come. After all, I gotta run/walk this Saturday!

This will be my last pitch for pledges, but if you can contribute to the National Race for the Cure, know that even $5 is a big help. All of the women in my immediate circle have been spared by this terrible disease, but when I called my mom to tell her about the race, she told me that the mother of one of my cousins had just passed away after a long fight with breast cancer. So, I will be racing in memory of Pong Sun (Judy to her friends) on behalf of her daughter, Lene.

I am trying really hard not to be too down today, but the universe is conspiring against me. In retaliation,remembrancee of gifts past (as in this past weekend!):

First, books! We at small hands loooooovvvvve books!

(From Sweet Baboo, a Debbie Bliss and the SUPER CUTE "That Darn Yarn!"; and from Deb, a fellow RAOK-er, a fantastic Anna Zilboorg)

Next the S.E.X. I grabbed a few orphans from the stash and took them to my Very Favorite LYS (Woolwinders) to look for inspiration:

(The brighter pink is Reynold's Gypsy from the stash...Thee lovely shiny light pink is the newly acquired Dale Sisik... This is going to be a little purse. I don't carry little purses, but I felt a strange compulsion to knit this, so it will likely become a gift.)

(The two other Gypsy hanks and the new Debbie Bliss Cathay in a lovely rose. I have a sideways lacey scarf pattern that I am thinking about for these. I think they would look great all striped up.)

(Click for the full monty. Thevariegatedd blue is Brooks Fiber Duet from MDS&W, and I have collected some new Rowan Kidsilk in blue and Blue Sky Alpaca in charcoal and light gray to knit up with it. I am thinking another sideways knit, but larger, and wrap-ier, and so much cuddlier! I want to design something of my own for this, something soft and drapey but still pretty. I have been daydreaming about it since Saturday.

Now, I should probably go have lunch and then... work or something. Tomorrow: WIP progress and vacation plans.

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