Friday, February 12, 2010

The experiment is mostly over

For a number of reasons, I'm done documenting this experiment. I will list two of them.

First, I can no longer support a diet that is so soy-dependant after seeing the effects first hand. Soy is estrogen! Use it very carefully!

Two, I will no longer help advertise (even very indirectly) a diet that my employer endorses.

I got the following stats on my recent "biometric screening" at work:

Nicotine: no
BMI: 24.7
Blood pressure: 119/70
Total Cholesterol: 182 (HDL: 55)

Looks pretty good, right? Nope. My employer considers me only slightly better than "unhealthy." Whole-ier than thou? You bet.
So screw them.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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