Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Birthday and training update

My camera is dying so I can't show you my second fantastic birthday gift from M. It is a killer roller derby poster. (I'm not saying my boyfriend is better than your boyfriend, I'm just sayin'.) We also lazed around, watched a movie, biked, hiked, and ate birthday cake. Best. Birthday. Ever.

Training update:
Saturday - Tri training - Bike/run brick. I did 8.26 miles on the bike (avg speed 10.7, max 25.6) then I jog/walked for an additional 30 mins (distance unknown-1.5 miles+?) I felt so great after this workout (even though I felt pretty beat a couple of times during it). I was singing at top volume on the drive home and calling everyone I thought might care to tell them all about it.
Sunday - Rest day.
Monday - Birthday! M and I headed out early to the fantastic Veloway. We biked one loop, then went an extra 7 miles down and back up Mopac. My final reading was 10.32 miles (in 49 minutes-avg speed 12.4, max speed 23.3). Later we hiked a little (30 mins?).
Tuesday - Run/Walk - Neighborhood jog/walk. The humidity was high and I kept gasping for breath and feeling really overworked, even though my heartrate was pretty low. Anyone have any experience in humidity to give me some pointers? I stayed out 35 mins and jogged (mostly) up two hills (2 mins each)

This week is week seven (of eight). 'Know what that means? The triathlon is NEXT SUNDAY. Eek.

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