Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Monday was over too fast

... Where did Monday go? Into a pile of beaded crochet, actually. I will try to get a picture up tomorrow.

First things first, thank you all who left nice compliments on the haircut. I have my like-the-haircut days and my not-like days. There are some weird layers that I need to come to terms with... But all that hair-love really helped!

As for the weekend, there were some Snow Geese at the Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge. (Have you visited your NWR lately? I would higly recommend it.) Pics of course to follow.

Then, because I did take at least one picture that is on my server, I finished an xmas present for my lil sister:

It is a garter stitch scarf on size 11s with a 20-something cast on. I used two skeins of "Sparkle" from Kiparoo farms (purchased at MDS&W). The yarn is made of three strands: two of cotton wrapped in rayon threads—hand-dyed in purples—and one "strand" of this sparkly plasticy stuff that stretched at a different rate than the cotton so there was always more of it than there should have been. Does that make sense? It "bunched" up. I would not work with this stuff again, unless it was the Survivor challenge that would win me all the money.

But it produced a very slinky, drapey, sparkley purple scarf, which is just up my sis' alley.

I have another book to de-stash. (Most are still available from last Monday's post.)

Great Knitting in Vogue, Christina Probert. Hardback edition. I couldn't find a cover picture, but here are two shots of the patterns I wanted to make:

This book is full of patterns from the 30s to "today" reworked with more "modern" lines (the book was published in 1987, so there are lots of shaker sweater-type lines and men in pale yellow and pink).

This one is $6.00 plus actual shipping (since it's a larger book, and I don't know where you live). I prefer PayPal, but we can easily work something else out.

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